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Order a copy of a court judgment of Ukraine

Our agency provides clients with the opportunity to order a copy of a judgment of Ukrainian court with a ‘wet seal’. Please be informed that the specialists of the agency do not prepare fictitious court judgments and do not support clients in courts. In our agency can only order a copy of a judgment that has been made by the court.
Usually, clients order a copy of a court judgment on marriage dissolution in Ukraine. An example of the content of a typical court judgment on marriage dissolution:
Case number.
Proceedings number.
Date and place.
Name of the court.
List of parties to the case.
Having considered in open trial the case on the claim of Oksana Petrovna Ivanova against Sergei Petrovich Ivanov for marriage dissolution, the court has found that: the Plaintiff filed a claim stating that since July 1, 2015, she and the Defendant in the case have been officially married whereof the Civil Registry Office of Ivanovo District Justice Department of Volyn Region made a corresponding record No. 54. There is a daughter of marriage, Elena, born on July 20, 2016. Conjugal relations with the defendant failed due to frequent disputes and conflicts. The spouses have different ideas about life and do not keep the house together. Marital relations between them are actually terminated and exist on paper. Since April 2017, they have been living separately, and they do not keep the house together. They agreed the place of residence of a common child, the daughter Elena, and determined that after marriage dissolution, the daughter would live with her father - the Defendant in the case. In case of the above circumstances, the Plaintiff shall file a claim.
The parties failed to appear in court.
The Plaintiff filed an application asking to consider the case in her absence, fully affirming the claim, and asking to grant it.
The Defendant filed an application asking to consider the case in his absence, fully affirming the claim, and asking to dissolve the marriage.
As long as Part 2 of Article 158 of the Civil Procedure Code of Ukraine prescribes that a party to the case has the right to file a motion to consider the case in his/her absence, and there are no reasons for postponing the consideration of the case, as set forth in Article 169 of the Civil Procedure Code of Ukraine, the court comes to the conclusion that it is possible to consider the case based on the available evidence.
The court found that Oksana Petrovna Ivanova and Sergei Petrovich Ivanov registered the marriage on July 1, 2015, whereof the Civil Registry Office of Ivanovo District Justice Department of Volyn Region made a corresponding record No. 54, which is confirmed by a marriage certificate series 1-OЛ 151874. There is a daughter of marriage, Elena, born on July 20, 2016, which is confirmed by the birth certificate series 1-OЛ 751175. The parties failed to build marital relations due to the lack of mutual understanding, common interests, and the same vision of ways to overcome daily problems what causes frequent disputes between the Plaintiff and the Defendant. They do not support marital relations, the parties do not want to reconcile, they do not keep the house together meaning that the marriage exists on paper.
Pursuant to Article 112 of the Family Code of Ukraine, the court makes a judgment on marriage dissolution if it is found that the further conjugal relations and preservation of a marriage would conflict with the interests of one of them, the interests of their children, which is of substantial significance.
Having examined the case file, the court comes to the conclusion that the claim shall be granted, as long as further conjugal relations of the parties to the case is impossible, and the preservation of the marriage conflict with their interests, which is the reason for its dissolution.
Having regard to the relevant articles, the court decided: to grant the claim of Oksana Petrovna Ivanova against Sergei Petrovich Ivanov for marriage dissolution. The marriage between Oksana Petrovna Ivanova, born on June 14, 1979, and Sergei Petrovich Ivanov, born on August 12, 1978, registered on July 1, 2015, by the Civil Registry Office of Ivanovo District Justice Department of Volyn Region, record No. 54 shall be dissolved. The daughter Elena, born on July 20, 2016, shall reside with her father, Sergei Petrovich Ivanov.
The court judgment may be appealed by filing an appeal to the Court of Appeal of Volyn region through Ivanovo District Court within ten days of its proclamation. The parties to the case that failed to appear in court at the time of proclamation of the court judgment, may file an appeal within ten days of receipt of a copy of this judgment.
The court judgment shall take effect at the end of the time limit for filing an appeal, if an appeal has not been filed. In the case of filing an appeal, the judgment, if not canceled, shall take effect after the consideration of the case by the court of appeal.
Judge. Signature. Seal.
Contact the specialists of the agency via phone or e-mail to find out more about the price and period of preparation of a copy of a court judgment in Ukraine.